Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 鶏 !


鶏 - ニワトリ chicken, cock, hen 🐓

鶏卵 - けいらん a chicken’s egg 🥚

鶏肉 -とりにく chicken meat

鶏冠 - とさか a cockscomb, a crest of a fowl

※ 鶏姦をする -けいかんをする to commit sodomy

ex. 子宮は鶏卵くらいの大きさをしていて、洋梨を逆さまにしたような形状です。The uterus is roughly the size of a chicken egg and shaped like an inverted pear.

※ 鳥飯 - とりめし boiled rice with pieces of chopped chicken meat

P.S. Do you know how to say turkey in Japanese?

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鶏口牛後 - けいこうぎゅうご

better to be the beak of a rooster than the rump of a bull
(better to be a big fish in a little pond than a little fish in a big pond)

四字熟語 Yojijukugo (Japanese four-character compound)

more yojijukugo

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