Let’s learn Japanese kanji 自 !


自分 - じぶん my own

自分のYouTube動画 - じぶんのユーチューブどうが our very own YouTube videos (check them out! 😉)

自然 - しぜん nature

自慢する人 - じまんするひと a boaster, a bragger

自愛主義 - じあいしゅぎ egoism

自営業者 - じえいぎょうしゃ self-employed

自慰 - じい self-consolation, masturbation

ex. 常にそのことを自分自身に言い聞かせている- つねにそのことをじぶんじしんにいいきかせている  I’m always telling myself that!

自画自賛 - じがじさん 

to sing one’s own praises; to blow one’s own horn/ trumpet; to pat oneself on the back

四字熟語 (Japanese four-character idiomatic compound)

This expression means that you are so full of yourself that you will boast your own achievements (which one should be careful of not doing - the only praise worth receiving is one given by somebody else - ideally someone who is more accomplished). 自画自賛 originally meant a Chinese painting with a poem written in by the artist themselves.

more yojijukugo

