Useful Things That Helped Me
Learn Japanese
- and which I absolutely LOVE ❤️🥰
* descriptions and images may contain affiliate links
Descriptions and/or images on this page may contain affiliate links. If you purchase anything using my links, I may receive a small commission from the transaction at no additional cost to you.
Opisy lub/oraz zdjęcia produktów przedstawionych na tej stronie mogą zawierać linki afiliacyjne. Jeżeli dokonasz zakupu za ich pośrednictwem, istnieje możliwość, że otrzymam z tego tytułu małą prowizję bez dodatkowych kosztów dla ciebie.
I. Books
II. JLPT Preparation
III. Dictionaries
IV. Manga
V. Animation
VI. Calligraphy
VII. Apps
VIII. Free Downloads
I. Książki
II. Przygotowanie do egzaminów JLPT
III. Słowniki
IV. Manga
V. Anime
VI. Kaligrafia
Minna no Nihongo: Beginner, Part 1 (2nd ed.)
みんなの日本語初級 I
3A Network, 2012
Minna no Nihongo: Beginner, Part 2 (2nd ed.)
みんなの日本語初級 II
3A Network, 2012
An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese - Revised Edition
by Akira Miura and Naomi McGloin. With 2 Audio CDs. (Accompanying exercise workbook also available.)
The Japan Times, 2008
An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese - Revised Edition - Workbook
by Akira Miura and Naomi McGloin. With 2 Audio CDs. (Accompanying exercise workbook also available.)
The Japan Times, 2008
Authentic Japanese: Progressing from Intermediate to Advanced
by Osamu Kamada et al
The Japan Times, 1998
Authentic Japanese: Progressing from Intermediate to Advanced [New Edition]
by Osamu Kamada et al
The Japan Times, 2012
Authentic Japanese: Progressing from Intermediate to Advanced Workbook
by Yokiko Okuno
The Japan Times, 2013
Kanji in Context Workbook vol 1: Bk. 1 (Kanji in Context Workbook 1)
Nishiguchi et al
The Japan Times, 1994
Kanji in Context Workbook vol 2: Bk. 2 (Kanji in Context Workbook 2)
Nishiguchi et al
The Japan Times, 1994
A Guide to Japanese Grammar: A Japanese approach to learning Japanese grammar
by Mr Tae Kim.
Bilingual English - Japanese.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014
A Handbook of Japanese Grammar Patterns for Teachers and Learners
Edited by Group Jammassy
Kurosio Publishers, 2015
Erin’s Challenge!
I can speak Japanese
Online project by Japan Foundation, offering high quality Japanese study materials for free.
Best if used for structured study with a teacher.
Beginner to lower intermediate level.
Starodawny japoński
Classical Japanese
Classical Japanese: A Grammar
by Haruo Shirane. Bilingual Japanese and English edition.
Columbia University Press, 2005
Classical Japanese Reader and Essential Dictionary
by Haruo Shirane. Bilingual Japanese and English edition.
Columbia University Press, 2007
Classical Japanese: A Grammar: Exercise Answers and Tables
by Haruo Shirane. Bilingual Japanese and English edition.
Columbia University Press, 2011
The Tale of Genji
by Murasaki Shikibu 紫式部 and translated by Royall Tyler. Unabridged, with illustrations. In English.
Penguin Classics, 2003
The Diary of Lady Murasaki
by Murasaki Shikibu 紫式部. Translated and Edited by Richard Bowring. In English
Penguin Classics, 1996
The Pillow Book
by Sei Shōnagon 清少納言. Translated by Meredith McKinney. In English.
Penguin Classics, 2006
The Tale of the Heike
Translated by Royall Tyler and Michael Watson. In English.
Penguin Classics, 2014
Seeds in the Heart: Japanese Literature from Earliest Times to the Late Sixteenth Century
by Donald Keene. In English.
Columbia University Press, 2000
Sources of Japanese Tradition: From Earliest Times to 1600, 2nd ed.
by Wm. Theodore De Bary, Carol Gluck and Arthur Tiedemann
Columbia University Press, 2002
Classical Japanese Prose: An Anthology
compiled and edited by Helen Craig McCullough. In English.
Stanford University Press, 1991
Kojiki: Records of Ancient Matters
Translated by Basil Hall Chamberlain. In English.
Tuttle Publishing, 2005
Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest of Times to A.D. 697
Translated by W.G. Aston. In English.
Tuttle Publishing, 2011
Taiheiki: A Chronicle of Medieval Japan: A Chronicle of Medieval Japan
Translated by Helen Craig McCullough. In English.
Tuttle Publishing, 2005
Something Wicked from Japan: Ghosts, Demons & Yokai in Ukiyo-e Masterpieces
by Nakau Ei. Bilingual English - Japanese
Pie Books, 2016
Wybór z literatury japońskiej
Selected Japanese Literature
Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination
by Edogawa Rampo 江戸川乱歩 Translated by , with foreword by Patricia Welch. In English.
Tuttle Shokai Inc, 2012
Kwaidan 怪談: Stories and Studies of Strange Things
by Lafcadio Hearn
(Koizumi Yakumo 小泉八雲)
Tuttle Publishing, 2005
Rashōmon 羅生門、and Seventeen Other Stories
by Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
龍之介芥川 Translated by Jay Rubin.
In English.
Penguin Classics, 2006
The Makioka Sisters
by Jun’ichirō Tanizaki 谷崎潤一郎
Translated by Edward G. Seidensticker
Vintage Classics, 2019
The Housekeeper and the Professor
by Yōko Ogawa 小川洋子
Translated by Stephen Snyder
Vintage Classics, 2019
Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche
by Haruki Murakami 村上春樹
In English.
Vintage, 2003
Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology
Compiled and edited by
Donald Keene. In English
Avalon Travel Publishing, 1994
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
by Haruki Murakami 村上春樹.
In English.
Harvill Secker, 2008
The Book of Tokyo: A City in Short Fiction
Collection of contemporary short fiction, collected and edited by MIchael Emmerich, Jim Hinks and Masashi Matsuie. Includes works by Hideo Furukawa, Toshiyuki Horie, Nao-Cola Yamazaki, Hiromi Kawakami, Banana Yoshimoto, among others.
In English
Comma Press, 2015
The Sound of the Mountain
by Kawabata Yasunari 川端康成 Translated by Edward G. Seidensticker
In English.
Penguin Classics, 2011
The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea
by Yukio Mishima 三島由紀夫. Translated by John Nathan.
In English.
Vintage Publishing, 1999
Essays in Idleness
and Hōjōki 方丈記
by Kenkō 兼好 and Kamo no Chōmei 鴨長明
In English.
Penguin Classics, 2013
Lonely Castle in the Mirror
by Mizuki Tsujimura 辻村深月
Translated by Philip Gabriel. In English.
Doubleday, 2021
Japanese Death Poems: Written by Zen Monks and Haiku Poets on the Verge of Death
Collected by and with introduction of Yoel Hoffman.
Tuttle Publishing, 2018
On Love and Barley: Haiku of Bashō
Collection of haiku 俳句 of Matsuo Bashō 松尾芭蕉, gathered and translated by Lucien Stryk
Penguin Classics, 1985
Z Japonią w tle
Books about Japan
The Book of Yōkai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore
by Michael Dylan Foster and Shinonome Kijin. In English.
California University Press, 2014
Haunted Japan: Exploring the World of Japanese Yokai, Ghosts and the Paranormal
by Catrien Ross. In English
Tuttle Publishing, 2020
A Picture Book of Yōkai
Beautiful edition of highly acclaimed artwork by Shigeru Mizuki 水木しげる - the father of modern depictions of yōkai 妖怪
Kodansha, 2018
Japanese Folktales: Classic Stories from Japan's Enchanted Past
by Yei Theodora Ozaki
Tuttle Publishing, 2018
Sources of Japanese Tradition: 1600 to 2000, 2nd ed.
by Wm. Theodore De Bary, Carol Gluck and Arthur Tiedemann. In English
Columbia University Press, 2005
World Within Walls: Japanese Literature of the Pre-Modern Era, 1600–1867
by Donald Keene. In English.
Columbia University Press, 1999
Dawn to the West: A History of Japanese Literature: Japanese Literature of the the Modern Era: Fiction
by Donald Keene. In English.
Columbia University Press, 1999
Dawn to the West: A History of Japanese Literature: Japanese Literature of the the Modern Era: Poetry, Drama, Criticism
by Donald Keene. In English.
Columbia University Press, 1999
Travelers of a Hundred Ages: The Japanese as Revealed Through 1,000 Years of Diaries
by Donald Keene. In English.
Columbia University Press, 1999
East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History
by Patricia Ebrey, Anne Walthall. In English.
Wadsworth Publishing, 2013
Japan Story: In Search of a Nation, 1850 to the Present
by Christopher Harding. In English.
Penguin, 2019
Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912
by Donald Keene. In English.
Columbia University Press, 2005
History of Japanese Art, 2nd Edition
by Penelope Mason. In English.
Prentice Hall and Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 2004
Sex and the Floating World: Erotic Images in Japan 1700-1820
by Timon Screech. In English.
Reaktion Books, 2009
Tokyo Before Tokyo: Power and Magic in the Shogun's City of Edo
by Timon Screech. In English.
Reaktion Books, 2020
Hiroshige: One Hundred Famous Views of Edo
(Bibliotheca Universalis)
by Melanie Tredle, Lorenz Bichler and Richard Miller. In English.
Taschen, 2015
Finding the Heart Sutra: Guided by a Magician, an Art Collector and Buddhist Sages from Tibet to Japan
by Alex Kerr. In English.
Allen Lane, 2020
Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life
by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles. In English.
Hutchinson, 2017
Now and Zen: Notes from a Buddhist Monastery: with Illustrations
by Eiyū Murakoshi. In English.
Penguin, 2020
The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II
by Iris Chang. With foreword by William C. Kirby
Basic Books, 1998
Japan: The Intellectual Foundations of Modern Japanese Politics
by Tetsuo Najita.
University of Chicago Press, 1980
Stranger in the Shogun's City: A Woman’s Life in Nineteenth-Century Japan
by Amy Stanley. In English.
Chatto and Windus, 2020
Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan
by Donald Keene. In English.
Columbia University Press, 2009
Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons: Nature, Literature, and the Arts
by Haruo Shirane. In English.
Columbia University Press, 2013
Japanese Design Since 1945: A Complete Sourcebook
by Naomi Pollock, Masaaki Kanai.
In English.
Thames and Hudson Ltd, 2020
Manga: The Pre-History of Japanese Comics
PIE Books, 2013
Manga マンガ
by Nicole Rousmaniere and Matsuba Ryoko.
Book accompanying the British Museum Manga exhibition. In English.
Thames and Hudson, 2019
Jak zacząć czytać po japońsku
Beginner Japanese Reader
Japanese Stories for Language Learners: Bilingual Stories in Japanese and English
by Anne McNulty and Eriko Sato. Illustrated by Rose Goldberg.
Tuttle Publishing, 2018
Breaking Into Japanese Literature: Seven Modern Classics in Parallel Text
by Giles Murray. Bilingual Japanese-English.
Kodansha, 2018
Read Real Japanese Essays: Contemporary Writings by Popular Authors
by Janet Ashby. Featuring works of Haruki Murakami, Junko Sakai, Banana Yoshimoto, and others. Bilingual Japanese-English.
Kodansha International, 2008
Read Real Japanese Fiction: Short Stories by Contemporary Writers
by Michael Emmerich. Featuring works of Banana Yoshimoto, Kaoru Kitamura, Hiromi Kawakami, and others. Bilingual Japanese-English.
Kodansha International, 2008
Short Stories in Japanese: New Penguin Parallel Text
by Michael Emmerich. Bilingual Japanese - English
Penguin, 2011
Exploring Japanese Literature: Reading Mishima, Tanizaki And Kawabata In The Original
by Giles Murray
Kodansha America Inc, 2007
Satori Reader App
(read more in Apps below!)
Evokes feelings of a textbook without the school methodology to it. Minimally-processed Japanese texts give out the vibe of newspaper articles rather than generic textbook and JLPT reading content.
アルク(ALC), 2009
Po japońsku
In Japanese
by J.K. Rowling. Translated by Yuko Matsuoka 松岡佑子訳
The entire Harry Potter collection. Because you already know the story - why not learn some Japanese through it? 😉
Egzaminy JLPT
JLPT Preparation
Nihongo So-Matome JLPT N5
日本語総まとめ N5
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Eight-week study guide.
Includes kanji, readings, grammar, essential vocabulary and listening, all in one book.
ASK, 2017
1000 Essential Vocabulary for the JLPT N5
Vocabulary found commonly on the JLPT and used in daily life in Japan, divided in thematic sections.
by Collectif, 2017
Shin Nihongo 500 Mon N4/N5
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Exam preparation through drills replicating the look and feel of the real exam questions.
ASK, 2015
JLPT N5 Kōshiki Mondaishu
Sample Exam Paper + Listening practice.
Japan Foundation/Bonjinsha, 2012
Nihongo So-Matome JLPT N4: Grammar Reading Listening
日本語総まとめ N4 文法・読解・聴解
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Four-week study guide.
Covers areas of grammar, reading and listening.
ASK, 2017
Nihongo So-Matome JLPT N4: Kanji Vocabulary
日本語総まとめ N4 漢字・語彙
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Four-week study guide.
Covers areas of grammar, reading and listening.
ASK, 2017
1500 Essential Vocabulary for the JLPT N4
Vocabulary found commonly on the JLPT and used in daily life in Japan, divided by topics.
by Collectif, 2017
JLPT N4 Kōshiki Mondaishu
Sample Exam Paper + Listening practice.
Japan Foundation/Bonjinsha, 2012
bunpo app
(Read more in the app section below)
Nihongo So-Matome JLPT N3: Grammar
日本語総まとめ N3 文法「日本語能力試験」対策
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Eight-week study guide of JLPT N3 grammar points.
ASK, 2017
by Collectif
Vocabulary and
ASK, 2016
Shin Nihongo 500 Mon N4/N5
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Exam preparation through drills replicating the look and feel of the real exam questions.
ASK, 2015
Kanzen Master Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N3: Reading Comprehension
by Hitomi Tashiro
3A Network, 2012
Kanzen Master Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N3: Listening
by Kaori Nakamura, Sachi Fukushima, Etsuko Tomomatsu
3A Network, 2012
New Kanzen Master N3 5 Books Set: Kanji, Grammar, Vocabulary, Listen & Reading Comprehension
by Kaori Nakamura, Sachi Fukushima, Etsuko Tomomatsu
3A Network, 2012
JLPT N3 Kōshiki Mondaishu 公式問題集
Sample Exam Paper + Listening practice.
Japan Foundation/Bonjinsha, 2012
bunpo app
(Read more in the app section below)
Nihongo So-Matome JLPT N2: Grammar
日本語総まとめ N2 文法「日本語能力試験」対策
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Eight-week study guide of JLPT N2 grammar points.
ASK, 2017
Nihongo So-Matome JLPT N2: Kanji
日本語総まとめ N2 漢字「日本語能力試験」対策
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Eight-week study guide of JLPT N2 kanji, with exercises.
ASK, 2017
by Collectif
Vocabulary and
ASK, 2016
JLPT N2 Kōshiki Mondaishu
Sample Exam Paper + Listening practice.
Japan Foundation/Bonjinsha, 2012
New Kanzen Master Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N2: Reading Comprehension
by Nakamura Kaori, Ishi Reiko, Honda Yukari
3A Network, 2016
New Kanzen Master Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N2: Listening
by Nakamura Kaori, Ishi Reiko, Honda Yukari
3A Network, 2016
New Kanzen Master Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N2: Vocabulary
by Nakamura Kaori, Ishii Reiko, Honda Yukari
3A Network, 2016
(Read more in the app section below)
Nihongo So-Matome JLPT N1: Grammar
日本語総まとめ N1 聴解「日本語能力試験」対策
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Listening exercises and drills for JLPT N1.
ASK, 2011
Nihongo So-Matome JLPT N1: Kanji
日本語総まとめ N1 漢字「日本語能力試験」対策
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Eight-week study guide of JLPT N1 kanji, with exercises.
ASK, 2017
Kanzen Master Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N1: Vocabulary
by Hiroaki Inoue; Yukari Honda; Satomi Kurusu; Kanako Maebo; Kimie Abo; Koiji Miyata
3A Network, 2011
JLPT N1 Kōshiki Mondaishu
Sample Exam Paper + Listening practice.
Japan Foundation/Bonjinsha, 2012
Nihongo So-Matome JLPT N1: Listening
日本語総まとめ N1 聴解「日本語能力試験」対策
by Noriko Matsumoto and Hitoko Sasaki
Listening exercises and drills for JLPT N1.
ASK, 2011
Kanzen Master Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N1: Reading
by Rieko Fukuoka
3A Network, 2011
New Kanzen Master Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N2: Listening
by Nakamura Kaori, Ishi Reiko, Honda Yukari
3A Network, 2016
New Kanzen Master N1 5 Books Set: Kanji, Grammar, Vocabulary, Listen & Reading Comprehension
by Nakamura Kaori, Ishi Reiko, Honda Yukari
3A Network, 2016
Kanzen Master Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT N1: Kanji
by Hiroaki Inoue; Yukari Honda; Satomi Kurusu; Kanako Maebo; Kimie Abo; Koiji Miyata
3A Network, 2010
(Read more in the app section below)
Casio ExWord 電子辞書
Best study help I could ever ask for. Pricier than a laptop, but best investment you can make - don’t hesitate to get one as soon as possible if you’re serious about studying Japanese.
日本語学習のための よく使う順 漢字2200
Bilingual Japanese-English kanji dictionary, with detailed stroke order diagrams, covering the current scope of mostly used jyōyō kanji 常用漢字
オールカラー 学習漢字新辞典
All-colour kanji dictionary for primary school students, covering first 1006 common use kanji 常用漢字.
小学館 (Shōgakukan), 2007
A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
by Seichi Makino and Michio Tsutsui. Bilingual English - Japanese
The Japan Times, 1992
A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar
by Seichi Makino and Michio Tsutsui. Bilingual English - Japanese
The Japan Times, 1995
A Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar
by Seichi Makino and Michio Tsutsui. Bilingual English - Japanese.
The Japan Times, 2005
Dirty Japanese: Everyday Slang: Everyday Slang from 'What's Up? to 'F*%# Off
by Matt Fargo. With illustrations. Bilingual English - Japanese
Ulysses Press, 2020
First Thousand Words in Japanese
by Heather Amery, with illustrations by Stephen Cartwright. Great for kids af all ages. Bilingual English - Japanese.
Usborne Publishing Ltd, 2014
Oxford Beginner's Japanese Dictionary
Good beginner-level bilingual English-Japanese and Japanese-English paper dictionary
Oxford University Press, 2006
by Grzegorz Bober
Super efficient and versatile dictionary in the browser. Free to use.
(There used to be a mobile app with an offline access which I LOVED using but, sadly, the app is no longer available )
by Kim Ahlström, Miwa Ahlström and Andrew Plummer.
Very good and versatile dictionary using most (if not all!) resource databases for Japanese language learning. Browser-based, free.
Kanji Jigoku
by Stanisław Meyer
Kanji dictionary project by the team from Jagiellonian University, Poland.
In Polish.
(Also available as an app for Android)
Illustrated Novels
The Tale of Genji. The Scenes From the World’s First Novel
by Murasaki Shikibu 紫式部. With Introduction by Donald Keene and Setouchi Jakucho. Abridged.
In English and Japanese.
Kodansha International Ltd, 2002
Ugetsu Monogatari
Classic Japanese story by Ueda Yakinari 上田秋成, translated into a compelling manga by Taketomi Kenji 武富健治.
In Japanese.
Tono Monogatari
Manga by Shigeru Mizuki 水木しげる, created based on Tono Monogatari by Kunio Yanagita 柳田國男. Tono Monogatari is a defining text of Japanese folklore and one of the country’s most important works of literature.
In English.
Drawn and Quarterly, 2021
Dream Fossil : The Complete Stories of Satoshi Kon
A collection of short manga of Satoshi Kon 今敏.
In English.
What the Font?! A Manga Guide to Western Typeface
by Kuniichi Ashiya. In English.
Seven Seas, 2020
Sōseki Natsume's I Am A Cat: The Manga Edition
by Chiroru Kubato and translated by Zack Davisson. A manga take on classic tale of a cat with no name but great wisdom by Natsume Sōseki 夏目漱石.
In English.
Tuttle Publishing, 2021
Classic manga created by Shigeru Mizuki 水木しげる in 1959. Translation by Zack Davisson.
In English.
Drawn and Quarterly, 2013
Satoshi Kon's Opus
by Zack Davisson. Faithful appraisal and summary of 今敏 Satoshi Kon’s work and inimitable storytelling style.
In English.
Dark Horse Manga, 2014
Shōwa 1939-1944: A History of Japan
(Shōwa: A History of Japan Vol. 2)
by Shigeru Mizuki 水木しげる. Translated by Zack Davisson. In English.
Drawn and Quarterly, 2014
Shōwa 1953-1989: A History of Japan
(Shōwa: A History of Japan Vol. 4)
by Shigeru Mizuki 水木しげる. Translated by Zack Davisson. In English.
Drawn and Quarterly, 2015
The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up: A Magical Story to Spark Joy in Life, Work and Love
by Marie Kondo 近藤 麻理恵. In English.
Blubird, 2019
Namiki Iroshizuku Chiku-rin Bottle of Ink for Fountain Pen 5.000 - Ajisai 紫陽花
50 ml bottle. Deep blue-purple periwinkle shade.
Namiki Iroshizuku Chiku-rin Bottle of Ink for Fountain Pen 5.000 Fuyu Shōgun 冬将軍
50 ml bottle of beautiful bluish-grey shade.
Genkouyoushi Notebook 原稿用紙
Pretty notebooks bring joy and motivation - but remember you don’t need any fancy stationary to study Japanese!
You can always download and print my genkōyōshi for FREE! 😊
Japanese Calligraphy Bokueki Ink 墨液
180cc, Black No.304. One of my favourites - already mixed to just the right consistency and doesn’t smudge easily when dry.
Apki do nauki
Satori Reader
Great resource to learn how to read and deeply comprehend texts in written Japanese. Free to download, with certain amount of free content every month.
Includes audio files, smart translations, and SR system for vocabulary revision.
Perfect for all levels.
For those who prefer reading on desktop, content is can be accessed on desktop via browser
iOS and Android.
Bunpo App
Very good resource focusing purely on grammar patterns practice.
Designed as a preparatory tool for JLPT exam, Bunpo structures grammar into levels from N5 to N1, and offers plenty of opportunity for learning grammar in use, as well as listening practice.
Perfect for all levels, and particularly useful for those who prepare for JLPT.
iOS and Android.
Best SRS (spaced repetition system) tool to create your own flashcards.
App version is rather pricy and still not as functional and visually appealing as it could be, but desktop version remains free and offers plenty of room for customisation.
Good for all levels.
iOS and Android.
Scritter Japanese
A nice combination of an SR (spaced repetition) tool with kanji writing practice.
It works best when used as a companion tool to the material that you are currently studying. Best to create smaller study lists rather than one big one, as the revision times will be stacking against you in favour of the earliest entries.
Most useful for lower levels (beginner to intermediate), as revision times significantly increase with the complexity of kanji and volume of vocabulary.
iOS and Android.
Shirabe Jisho
by Blazej Stanek
A mobile dictionary which can also be used offline.
Groups kanji by school and JLPT levels.
Good for all levels.
iOS only.
iKnow! App
iKnow! is an app designed to be a thorough introduction to Japanese through SR (spaced repetition) vocabulary drilling.
Worlds are tested in all possible ways (meanings from and into Japanese, as well as readings), and learning is enforced by example sentences with audio by native speakers.
Most useful for intermediate students (N3+) who need to bulk up their vocabulary and kanji quickly.
iOS and Android.
Mirai Japanese
Good interactive language tutor using AI to simulate text conversations with a Japanese friend, introducing new elements of the language.
It shows a lot of promise yet development seem to have ceased as no new material had been added since 2014. Still, there is plenty of beginners classes available to cover the basics.
App is free to download and first 10 lessons are included - I often recommend it to my students who think they want to study Japanese.
Best for absolute beginners.
iOS only.
Ready to learn some Japanese?
Gotowy do nauki?
Free Downloads・Darmowe materiały
to be continued…
Check regularly for new materials to help you on your journey to study Japanese!
In the meantime, why not write some kanji using the animations from our YouTube channel ?