Impara il kanji 亀!
亀 - かめ tartaruga (di terra o d’acqua) 🐢
亀甲, 亀の甲- きっこう、かめのこう guscio di tartaruga
亀の子 - かめのこ piccolo di tartaruga
亀裂 - きれつ crepa; fessura
亀鑑の - きかんの modello, buon esempio
オカメ una ragazza insignificante dal viso tondo (come nell’immagine qui sotto!)
P.S. Do you know that the turtle is one of the 214 radicals featured in Kangxi’s Dictionary from 1716?
Don’t worry, you don’t need to memorise THAT stroke order! 😌 The original character had evolved over the years, and had been independently simplified in both Japan and China: