Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 長 !


長い - ながい long, lengthy; prolonged

長男 - ちょうなん the oldest son, firstborn

長官 - ちょうかん government secretary

社長 - しゃちょう a boss, a president of a company, CEO

市長 - しちょう a mayor

長方形 - ちょうほうけい a rectangle

P.S. Did you know you can access stroke order animations by following the numbered diagram on the right? 👉 👉 👉

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Japanese proverb 諺:

長口上は欠伸の種 - ながこうじょうはあくびのたね Brevity is the soul of wit. / Don’t beat around the bush.

(lit. A long speech is the source of yawns.)

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