Let’s learn kanji 猫 !

今日の漢字はよく人気がある猫ちゃん! 🐈 🐱

猫 - ねこ cat, kitty

飼い猫- かいねこ house cat, pet cat

招き猫 - まねきねこ welcoming cat

愛猫家- あいびょうか cat lover

猫舌である - ねこじたである to dislike hot food (lit. to have a cat tongue)

三毛猫 - みけねこ a calico cat; a tortoiseshell-and-white tricolor cat

P.S. Have you heard of Natsume Sōseki 夏目漱石? He was a very popular Japanese writer of the beginning of the twentieth century, and his novels and short stories are still enjoyed throughout Japan.

P.S. I Am a Cat (Wagahai wa neko de aru『吾輩は猫である』) is a satire told from the perspective of a very nosy and rather obnoxious house cat with elevated sense of self-importance, who shares his observations on turn-of-the-century society and his humans’ intelligentsia household.

Please check it out if you have a chance!

(Paperback edition)

(Audiobook edition)

(Manga edition)

You can find a high quality audiobook in Japanese here (this is part 1 of many):

