Let’s learn kanji 餅!


餅 - もち  glutinous rice cake

大福餅 - だいふくもち a mochi rice cake stuffed with anko 餡こ red bean paste and a whole strawberry 🍓

餅つき - もちつき (臼でつく)  pounding rice with special mallet-shaped mallet pounder (杵 きね) in a mortar (臼 うす), in order to form mochi

画餅 - がべい  a total failure/disaster (lit. painting made with mochi)

月見- つきみ moon viewing

One of the stories surrounding 月見 says that there is bunny on the moon pounding rice for mochi cakes 🐰 (how did the bunny find its way to the moon and why it pounds mochi instead of Earth viewing - nobody knows!)

※ 餅 is a newer, simplified form of the traditional character. Such form is called shinjitai 新字体, or: a new-style character, developed as the result of the reforms of Japanese writing system in after WWII.

In Japan, you can still occasionally see the so-called kyūjitai 旧字体 (an old-style, or ‘previous system‘ character), which has slightly more complicated left radical part.

They both mean a delicious mochi, and that’s all that matters 😊

You can learn how to write the old style by following the link below:


Japanese proverb 諺:

絵に描いた餅は食えぬ - えにかいたもちはくえぬ Never confuse art with life.

(lit. You can’t eat the rice cake in a picture.)

