Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 麻!


麻 - あさ hemp (fiber), linen, flax, jute

麻布 - あさぬの hemp cloth; linen fabric

麻酔 - ますい anaesthesia

麻酔科医 - ますいかい an anaesthesiologist

麻薬 - まやく (illegal) drugs

麻薬常用者 - まやくじょうようしゃ a drug user; a drug addict

麻薬中毒者 - まやくちゅうどくしゃ a drug addict; a junkie

麻薬取締班 - まやくとりしまりはん a narcotics squad 

大麻 - タイマ cannabis; marihuana; pot; ganja

胡麻 - ゴマ sesame

麻雀 - マージャン game of mahjong

P.S. Have you ever played the game of mahjong - also known as “The Game of Four Winds”? It’s a simple and fun game of matching tiles with similar pattern that is enjoyed all other the world by young and old alike - although it must be said that it’s mostly the older folks who like to elevate it to the ultra competitive levels…

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