Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 蚊 !


蚊 - か a mosquito

蚊に食われる - かにくわれる to be bitten by the mosquitoes

蚊に食われたあと - かにくわれたあと a mosquito bite; a mark 

蚊帳 - かや a mosquito net

蚊帳をつって寝る - かやをつってねる to sleep under a mosquito net

蚊柱 - かばしら a mosquito swarm

蚊の鳴くような声 - かのなくようなこえ barely audible/ very faint voice

蚊取り線香 - かとりせんこう a mosquito coil, an anti-mosquito incense

P.S. Do you know that there are special ceramic incense holders that not only keep the burning incense and ashes away from pets and curious children, but also look pretty when not in use?

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