Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 汗!


汗 - あせ sweat

汗っかき - あせっかき person who perspires freely; a profuse sweater

汗だく(になる) - あせだく(になる) (to become) dripping with sweat

汗をかく - あせをかく to sweat, to perspire; to break a sweat

汗まみれ - あせまみれ soaked in sweat, covered in sweat

汗止め - あせとめ a sweat-absorbing gear (ex. a head band, a terry cloth wristband, etc.)

汗抑え - あせおさえ an antiperspirant

ex. この運動は5分もやったらもう汗だくだ・・体の線が崩れたね。Only five minutes and you’re already dripping with sweat… You’ve really got out of shape.

※ 試験などへいちゃらだ!Exams? No problem! (No sweat!)

P.S. Did you know we’ve got some handy JLPT study playlists on our YouTube channel?

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