Let’s learn Japanese kanji 盆!


盆 - ぼん tray, platter

盆栽 - ぼんさい a cultured dwarf tree in a tray; bonsai

盆景 - ぼんけい a miniature landscape in a tray

お盆 - お盆 O-Bon Festival; Festival of Lanterns; Buddhist All Soul’s Day happening in the middle of August

お盆休み - ぼんやすみ Bon festival holidays

盆踊り - ぼんおどり dances performed historically during the Lantern Festival

盆供養 - ぼんくよう  a memorial service held during the Bon festival

盆提灯 - ぼんちょうちん Bon festival paper lantern

※ 精霊流し - せいれいながし ‘sending off‘ spirits during Bon festival by putting the lit up lanterns or little boats on the water


Shibata Zeshin
柴田 是真

Lacquer Paintings of Various Subjects: Bonsai

Lacquer on paper, 1882

