Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 夏!



夏 - なつ summer

夏場 - なつば summertime; the summer season

今夏 - こんか this summer

夏休み - なつやすみ summer holidays

初夏 - しょか early summer

真夏 - まなつ midsummer, the height of summer

夏至 - げし the summer solstice; the solstitial point

「真夏の夜の夢」 - まなつのよのゆめ Midsummer Night’s Dream, a famous play by William Shakespeare

P.S. Have you seen the 1999 film version of 「真夏の夜の夢」, with stellar Hollywood cast lead by Stanley Tucci as Puck?

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