Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 焼!


燃焼 - ねんしょう burning, combustion

焼却 - しょうきゃく incineration, destroy by fire

焼け跡 - やけあと ruins of a fire, fire-devastated area

焼死 - しょうし death by fire

日焼け - ひやけ sunburn; suntan

焼き肉 - やきにく yakiniku (Japanese dish of fried meat)

焼身自殺 - しょうしんじさつ burning oneself to death, suicide by fire

焼きそば - やきそば fried soba

焼き鳥 - やきとり grilled chicken, roast fowl

胸焼けがする - むねやけがする to suffer from heartburn

日焼け止め(クリーム) - ひやけどめ(クリーム) sunscreen; a sunblock

夕焼け - ゆうやけ pink- and red- glowing skies just after the sunset

e.g. 痛〜い!熱い味噌汁で舌を焼いた・・・ Ouch! I burnt my tongue with a hot miso soup…

P.S. Have you ever tried yakiniku 焼肉? Let us know how you liked it!

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