Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 稲!


稲 - いね a rice plant 🌾

稲作 - いなさく rice crop

水稲 - すいとう wet-land rice

稲田 - いなだ paddy field, rice field

稲穂 - いなほ ear (head) of rice

稲妻 - いなずま, いなづま (flash of) lightning

稲荷 - いなり Inari (god of harvests, Uka-no-Mitama); Inari shrine, Fushimi Inari shrine (in Kyoto); fox (said to be messengers of Inari)

稲刈り - いねかり rice reaping

早稲 - わせ early ripening rice; early-ripening fruit (grain, etc.); person who becomes physically or mentally mature at an early age

稲わら - いねわら, いなわら rice straw, paddy straw


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