Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 鯉!


鯉 - こい koi carp (Cyprinus carpio)

鯉幟 - こいのぼり a carp streamer - a carp banner/windsock typically hung to mark the Children’s day celebrations

錦鯉 - にしきごい a coloured carp

真鯉 - まごい a black carp, black koi

緋鯉 - ひごい  a red carp, golden carp

鯉口 - こいぐち mouth of a (sword) sheath

養鯉 - ようり carp breeding

俎板(の上)の鯉 - まないた(のうえ)のこい to be doomed; to be confronted with a hopeless situation and unable to do anything (lit. a carp on the chopping board)

P.S. Did you know that carp streamers (koi nobori) mark the Kodomo no Hi 子供の日 celebrations on May 5th each year? There are traditionally 3 carps: black koi carp symbolises the father, red golden carp - the mother, and the smaller ones that follow symbolise the children in the family. Traditionally this holiday was celebrating the boys only as girls have their own holiday in March (you can read more about it here), however nowadays carps are hung from windows and balconies irrespectively of the child’s gender.

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