Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 送!


送る - おくる to send (a thing), to dispatch, to despatch

放送 - ほうそう broadcast, broadcasting

輸送 - ゆそう transport, transportation

送り - おくり seeing off, sending off; funeral; escapement

先送りする - さきおくりする to postpone

見送り- みおくり seeing one off, farewell, escort

見送る - みおくる to see off (e.g. to the station, an airport, etc.), to escort (e.g. home), to farewell; to see out, to send off

見えなくなるまで見送る - みえなくなるまでみおくる to watch somebody until they are out of sight

運送 -うんそう transport, freight, shipping

送金 - そうきん remittance, sending money

郵送 - ゆうそう mailing

送り仮名 - おくりがな Japanese kana explaining how to read Chinese characters

送り仮名を送る to affix okurigana

買いを見送る - かいをみおくる to wait and see (to refrain from action until you have more information)

P.S. Did you know we have a kanji YouTube channel with useful revision playlists? Come and tell us more about your Japanese language journey! 😊

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