Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 咲!


咲く - さく to bloom

咲き薫る - さきかおる to bloom and give off fragrance

早咲き - はやざき early blooming, early flowering

遅咲き - おそざき late flowering; late blooming

咲き誇る - さきほこる to be in fullness of bloom

咲き乱れる - さきみだれる to bloom in profusion

返り咲き - かえりざき a comeback (e.g. in business); to blossom again

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P.S. 咲いた、咲いた!桜が咲いた! It happened! Cherry blossoms are in bloom!

This simple opening sentence from a random textbook marked the first encounter with Japanese language for Donald Keene, an accomplished American scholar, a prolific translator and beloved literature professor, way back in 1930s. You can learn many similar anecdotes and stories from his long and eventful life in his 2009 memoir Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan - we highly recommend it! 😊

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