Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 杉!


杉 - すぎ, スギ Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica

杉林 - すぎばやし cryptomeria forest

杉材 - すぎざい cedar wood

杉皮 - すぎかわ cedar bark

杉戸 - すぎど door made of cedar

一本杉 - いっぽんすぎ (a) solitary cryptomeria tree

杉並木 - すぎなみき avenue of cedars (cryptomeria) trees

(Here is an example of 杉並木 in Hakone, where 400-year old cedars protect one of the few remaining fragments of old Tōkaidō 東海道 travel route from the Edo period. Tōkaidō stretched over 500km and was the most important road connecting Edo with Kyoto at that time!)

杉花粉症 - すぎかふんしょう cedar pollen allergy

P.S. Did you know that we have an eco-friendly merch collection that directly supports the project?

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