Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 檜!


檜 - ヒノキ Japanese cypress, hinoki cypress tree

檜皮 - ひわだ, ひはだ cypress bark

檜皮葺 - きひわだぶき cypress bark roof

檜舞台 - ひのきぶたい stage made of Japanese cypress; stage with Japanese hinoki tree backdrop, traditional setting for Nō 能 and Kabuki 歌舞伎 theatre plays;
the limelight, the big time

※ 桧 - ヒノキ Japanese cypress, hinoki cypress (a simplified character)

P.S. Do you like Japanese art?

NHK World-Japan and Tōkyō National Museum teamed up to present some of the most important Japanese works of art.

Here you can learn about the Japanese National Treasure Hinokizu 檜図, the famous gold folding screen (byōbu 屏風) by Kanō Eitoku 狩野永徳 of Kanō School of painting (from the Azuchi-Momoyama period 安土桃山時代).

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※ This is an old form of the character, the so-called kyūjitai 旧字体 (an old-style, or ‘previous system"‘ character).

There now exists a newer, simplified form (called shinjitai 新字体, the new-style character): .

Both forms are acceptable and often encountered in Japan - more perhaps in traditional/historical contexts, or in religious parameters - however the preference is given to in texts after WWII.

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