Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 桜 🌸


桜 - さくら sakura, Japanese flowering cherry 🌸

※ 花見- はなみ cherry blossom viewing

※ 三分咲き - さんぶざき cherry blossoms that are just beginning to bloom (30% open)

※ 五分咲き - ごぶざき cherry blossoms in half bloom (50% open)

※ 七分咲き - しちぶざき cherry blossoms in almost full bloom (70% open)

※ 満開 - まんかい cherry blossoms in full bloom (100% open)

桜の花弁が散ると儚い気持ちを喚起する - さくらのはなびらがちるとはかないきもちをかんき Falling cherry blossom petals evoke the fleeting feelings.

桜肉 - さくらにく horsemeat

桜前線 - さくらぜんせん Japanese cherry blossom front - an imaginary line demarcating which cherry trees have their flowers already open, and which are on a cusp of blooming. Cherry blossom front is proceeding from Okinawa in the south, where earliest sakura appear in as early as mid-February, to the most northern part of Hokkaidō, where the latest flowers may bloom as late as early June

An example of the chart showcasing the areas of Japan and 桜の開花日, the day when the cherry blossoms are expected to open; the area where the flowers are at full bloom at the time marks the cherry blossom front
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