Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji狼!


狼 - おおかみ a wolf

狼狽える - うろたえる to be flustered, to lose one's presence of mind

餓狼 - がろう a hungry wolf

落花狼藉 - らっかろうぜき running amok (amuck), committing violence on, in utter disorder

狼男 - おおかみおとこ a warewolf

送り狼 - おくりおおかみ 
a "gentleman" who escorts a woman home, only to make a pass at her


P.S. Have you watched Wolf Children (Ookami kodomo no Ame to Yuki, おおかみこどもの雨と雪 ), a highly praised anime feature film directed by Mamoru Hosoda’ 細田守

This lovely anime tells the story of Hana and two of her children who are half-warewolves, who try to navigate challenges of daily life.

You can watch it below:

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