Let’s learn Japanese kanji 獄!


地獄 - じごく hell, inferno

生き地獄 - いきじごく a hell on earth, a living hell

監獄に入る - かんごくにはいる to go to jail

監獄に入れられる - かんごくにはいれられる to be sent to prison

投獄 - とうごく an imprisonment, a confinement, an incarceration

〜を投獄する - 〜をとうごくする to imprison/ incarcerate somebody; to throw somebody into prison

投獄を免れる - とうごくをまぬかれる to escape jail; to flee the country to avoid prison


P.S. Did you know that one of the most important remaining cultural artifacts in Japan is an illustrated scroll, emakimono 絵巻物, called Jigoku Zōshi 地獄草紙, showing scenes from the Buddhist hell?
You can learn more about it by listening to a free on-demand podcast HERE (podcast available until March 31, 2029)

Japanese proverb 諺:

聞いて極楽見て地獄 - きいてごくらくみてじごく Imagination goes a long way. / To get carried away [with one’s false reasoning]

(lit. Hearing heaven, seeing hell)

