Hana no Nihongo

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成人の日 - せいじんのひ Coming-of-Age Day, important national holiday in Japan when a person turning 20 this (academic) year officially becomes an adult

成人の式 - せいじんのしき coming-of-age ceremony during 成人の日

魔法の杖 - まほうのつえ magic wand (lit. magic walking cane - like Gandalf’s from Lord of the Ring)

成功する - せいこうする to succeed

完成する - かんせいする to complete, to bring to a close

成績 - せいせき results, grades

成果 - せいか results, fruits of one's work

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Japanese proverb 諺:

大器晩成 - たいきばんせい Last but not least.

(lit. Genius matures late.)

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