Let’s learn Japanese kanji 炉!
暖炉 - だんろ a hearth, a fireplace
炉棚 - ろだな a mantelpiece
懐炉 - かいろ a chemical body warmer; a pocket heater; a heat pad
炉心 - ろしん nuclear reactor core
炉辺談話 - ろへんだんわ a fireside talk
炉辺の団欒 - ろへんのだんらん a happy gathering around the fire
原子炉 - げんしろ an atomic reactor
※ 囲炉裏 - いろり a traditional Japanese sunken hearth
P.S. Cold? Snuggle up on the sofa with one of our super comfy lightweight sweatshirts from the eco-friendly collection that directly supports our project! 🤗