Let’s learn Japanese kanji 滅 !


滅びゆく文明 - ほろびゆくぶんめい a civilisation on the brink of extinction

敵を滅ぼす - てきをほろぼす to destroy an enemy

不滅な - ふめつな immortal, indestructible

カルタゴはローマに滅ぼされた - カルタゴはローマにほろぼされた Carthage was overthrown by the Roman Empire.

彼は酒と麻薬で身を滅ぼした - かれはさけとまやくでみをほろぼした he ruined himself through drink and drugs

契約は 1月20日に消滅する- けいやくはいちがつはつかにしょうめつする the contract ceases to be effective on January 20th

『鬼滅の刃』- きめつのやいば 'Demon Slayer', popular manga by Gotōge Koyoharu 吾峠呼世晴

Japanese proverb 諺:

国滅びて山河あり - くにほろびてさんがあり  The land outlasts the king.

(lit. You can destroy the country, yet its mountains and rivers will remain.)

This proverb originates from the opening line of the famous poem Spring Gazing 春望 by Ancient Chinese poet Du Fu (Tu Fu、杜甫), 712-770. The line goes as follows:


The state broken, its mountains and rivers remain

(translated by Stephen Owen; The Poetry of Du Fu, 2016 (p.258, poem 4.25)

