Let’s learn Japanese kanji 贈 !


贈る - おくる to give (a gift), to offer sth to someone (as a gift)

贈り物 - おくりもの a gift

※ プレゼント a gift

結婚の贈答品 - けっこんのぞうとうひん a wedding gift

贈賄 - ぞうわい a bribe

ex. この日に子供たちへおもちゃとか、お菓子とかを贈る習慣がある It is customary to give children toys and sweets on this day.

ex. 一番贈りにくいのも贈られて嬉しいのも商品券だそうだ Gift certificates are the most awkward to give, yet are most likely to be appreciated by the recipient.


Japanese proverb 諺:

敵に塩を贈る - てきにしおをおくる Good for evil.

(lit. Send salt to your enemy.)

This proverb has strong roots in Japanese history: it links to the 16th century Japanese warlord who, allegedly, was sending salt, a luxury commodity, to his adversaries, so that they would have resources to keep on fighting.

