Let’s learn kanji 京 !

今回の漢字は自分の留学した京都の『京』です。 ✌️

京都 - きょうと Kyōto

京阪神 - けいはんしん Kyōto - Ōsaka - Kobe district

京女 - きょうおんな Kyōto woman - a romantic cultural idea suggesting grace, accomplishment, delicate beauty and loving tradition

東男に京女 - あずまおとこにきょうおんな Best men are found in Edo and best women in Kyōto.

京 - きょう a capital, a metropolis

東京 - とうきょう Tōkyō

北京 - ペキン Beijing, the capital of China 中国

※ 京都議定書 - きょうとぎていしょ Kyoto Protocol, international treaty regarding climate change (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)

P.S. Are you interested to find out more about Kyoto and its art? You might enjoy reading Another Kyoto by Alex Kerr.


Japanese proverb 諺:

京の着倒れ、大阪の食い倒れ - きょうのきだおれ、おおさかくいだおれ Each goes to hell in their own way.

(lit. People from Kyōto ruin themselves for clothing, people from Ōsaka - for food.)

