Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 蠅 !


蠅 - ハエ a fly

蠅がたかっている -はえがたかっている flies are swarming (around something)

ハエ叩き -ハエたたき a fly swatter

(手で) 蠅を追う - (てで) ハエをおう to shoo away flies (with one’s hand)

蠅取り紙 -はえとりがみ flypaper

蠅を叩く -ハエをたたく  to kill/swat flies

あごで蝿を追う -あごでハエをおう to be utterly prostrated; to not have strength to do a thing; to be exhausted beyond belief

※ 蠅取り草 - はえとりぐさ、はえとりそう Venus flytrap

P.S. Do you know that the left part of the character is a radical meaning insect? The other element is also a radical meaning frog 🐸

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※ The kanji above is called kyūjitai 旧字体, old form of the character used until WW2. The Shinjitai 新字体 (below) is a simplified version of the character, a result of the post-war education reform.

Both characters are considered uncommon. The word “fly” is most often seen written in kana alone:: はえ or ハエ 🪰

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