Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 銀 !


銀 - ぎん silver

銀河 - ぎんが galaxy, Milky Way

銀行 - ぎんこう a bank

銀行口座 - ぎんこうこうざ a bank account

銀座 - ぎんざ Ginza, the luxury shopping district in Tōkyō

銀縁 - ぎんぶち silver frames, silver edges

※ 銀杏 - イチョウ the maidenhair tree; ginkgo biloba

水銀 - すいぎん mercury (Hg), quicksilver

銀閣寺 - ぎんかくじ The SIlver Pavilion, temple in Kyoto

P.S. Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa 足利 義政 was arguably the worst shōgun in Japanese history. His inept reign and inability to secure a line of succession resulted in the upheaval of Ōnin War 応仁の乱, Ōnin no Ran, 1466-1477, which started the volatile Sengoku Period 戦国時代, Sengoku Jidai, or Japanese Warring State Period - a period of political instability that tore the country and depleted its resources for almost 150 years.

Never skilled in - or particularly interested in - politics and the art of war, Yoshimasa focused instead on beauty and philosophy, building what would later become Ginkakuji 銀閣寺 - The Silver Pavilion, a quintessentially Japanese, understated wooden retreat on the eastern mountains of Kyoto, overlooking the Kamo river.

You can find out more about Yoshimasa and his special relationship with Ginkakuji in Yoshimasa and the Silver Pavilion: The Creation of the Soul of Japan by Donald Keene:

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