Let’s learn the new Japanese kanji 竜!
竜 - りゅう、たつ Chinese dragon 🐉
ドラゴン dragon (western type)
恐竜 - きょうりゅう a dinosaur
竜巻 - たつまき a tornado, a whirlwind 🌪
竜の落とし子 - タツノオトシゴ a seahorse
竜神 - りゅうじん the dragon king, the dragon god
※ 竜宮 - りゅうぐう the Palace of the Dragon King (from The Legend of the Dragon’s King Palace 竜宮伝説)
P.S. Do you like audiobooks? Here is an interesting YouTube channel where talented Masuta-san beautifully reads masterworks of Japanese literature, including Dragon 竜 by Akutagawa Ryūnosuke 龍之介芥川: