Let’s learn Japanese kanji 暖 together!


暖かい - あたたかい warm, mild, pleasantly warm

※ 温かい - あたたかい warm to the touch

今日は暖かいですね- きょうはあたたかいですね  It’s nice and warm today, isn’t it?

暖気流- だんきりゅう a warm air current

暖房 -だんぼう an (indoor) heating

暖炉 -だんろ a fireplace

暖衣飽食 -だんいほうしょく being warmly clothed and well fed

ex. この部屋は暖房があまりきいていない-このへやはだんぼうがあまりきいていない・・・ The heating in this room doesn’t work very well…


P.S. Do you understand the difference between 暖 and ?


Japanese proverb 諺:

暖簾に腕押し - のれんにうでおし Like boxing with the shadow. / Starting a fight for reasons that often don’t make sense, or with an imaginary enemy.

(lit. Strong-arming a shop curtain.)

