Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 話 !


話す - はなす to talk

昔話 - むかしばなし fairy tales; old stories

説話 -せつわ a tale, a story; a narrative

民話 - みんわ folk tales

話甲斐がない - はたしがいがない not worth talking to, waste of time to talk to

作り話 - つくりばなし a fake story; a fabrication

※ 携帯(電話) - けいたい (でんわ) a mobile phone

P.S. Did you know that each one of the Japanese prefectures has a rich history of 民話? Reading the stories provides fascinating insight into history and traditions of the region. Folk tales are also a very good beginner reading material in Japanese, as the stories are usually short and devoid of difficult kanji.

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Japanese proverb 諺:

話し上手の聞き下手 - はなしじょうずのききべた None so deaf as those who will not hear.

(lit. Good at talking, bad at listening.)

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