Hana no Nihongo

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Let’s learn Japanese kanji 矢 !

今日の漢字は「 矢」で~す! 🏹

矢 - や  an arrow

弓矢 - ゆみや bow and arrow(s)

矢印 - やじるし an arrow/ an indicator ↗️

※ 弓道 - きゅうどう Kyūdō, Japanese archery

P.S. Do you know how to write the kanji for bow?

Japanese proverb 諺:

一条の矢は折べく十やは折べからず - いちじょうのやはおるべくじゅうはおるべからず There is strength in numbers.

(lit. One arrow can break easily; ten arrows resist breakage.)

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