Let’s learn Japanese kanji 狂 together!
狂おしい - くるおしい mad, overcome with madness bordering on insanity
狂乱の魔女 - きょうらんのまじょう a crazy witch
狂う -くるう to go mad, to go haywire, to become mentally unbalanced
彼が気が狂っている - かれがきがくるっている He’s not in the right frame of mind.
狂信 - きょうしん a fanatic believer, a zealot
狂信的国粋主義者 - きょうしんてきこくすいしゅぎしゃ fanatic nationalist(s)
狂犬病 - きょうけんびょう rabies, hydrophobia
※ 狂言- きょうげん a comedy interval during Nō 能 theatre performance
P.S. Did you know that the left side of this character 犭 is called kemonohen けものへん and it is the radical meaning beast/wild dog?