Learn Japanese character 火 🔥


火 - ひ fire 🔥

火事 - かじ fire, conflagration

防火 - ぼうか fire prevention

花火 - はなび fireworks

花火大会 - はなびたいかい firework display

火傷 - やけど a burn, a scald (with hot water)

焚き火 - たきび a bonfire

焚き火で芋を焼く - たきびでいもをやく to bake potatoes in a bonfire

手を火傷する - てをやけどする to burn one’s hand

火山の噴火 - かざんのふんか a volcano eruption

火の元に用心するように! - ひのもとにようじんするように!beware of the danger of fires!


P.S. Did you know that if you combine two kanji for fire, you will have learnt the kanji for ”flames”?

Japanese proverb 諺:

袖から火事 - そでからかじ For want of a nail, the kingdom was lost. / Big trouble escalating from small and rather insignificant cause.

This proverb has its roots in the 振り袖火事, also known as the Great Fire of Meireki (明暦の大火) that took place in 1657. The cause of the fire that devastated 60-70% of the capital of Edo and claimed over 100.000 lives was determined to be a kimono sleeve that caught fire during a Buddhist ceremony.

(lit. A fire from a kimono sleeve.)

