Let’s learn Japanese kanji 国 !


国 - くに a country

国政 -こくせい government, administration

国粋主義 - こくすいしゅぎ nationalism

狂信的国粋主義者 - きょうしんてきこくすいしゅぎしゃ a fanatical (ultra) nationalist

国賊 - こくぞく a traitor to the country, a rebel

※ 民主主義 - みんしゅしゅぎ democracy

「雪国」- ゆきぐに Snow Country, famous novel by the Japanese Nobel Prize winner Kawabata Yasunari 川端康成

Japanese proverb 諺:

国滅びて山河あり - くにほろびてさんがあり  The land outlasts the king.

(lit. You can destroy the country, yet its mountains and rivers will remain.)

This proverb originates from the opening line of the famous poem Spring Gazing 春望 by Ancient Chinese poet Du Fu (Tu Fu、杜甫 ), 712-770. The line goes as follows:


The state broken, its mountains and rivers remain

(translated by Stephen Owen; The Poetry of Du Fu, 2016 (p.258, poem 4.25)

