Hana no Nihongo

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Today let’s learn Japanese kanji 妊 !


妊娠 - にんしん  pregnancy, gestation

望まない妊娠している - のぞまないにんしんしている  to be carrying an unwanted child

妊む- はらむ to conceive

妊娠検査(薬) - にんしんけんさ (やく) a pregnancy test

(人工)妊娠中絶 - (じんこう) にんしんちゅうぜつ (artificial) termination of pregnancy

※ 流産 - りゅうざん a miscarriage


P.S. Did you know that you can get special omamori お守り, or protective amulets, in your local shrine for the time you are pregnant, to keep yourself and your child in good health and to ensure safe delivery?

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